Saturday, January 14, 2012

To Koforidua.

Akwaaba! Means "welcome" in Twi, one of the 49 languages in Ghana! This was the first word I learned. I have a long way to go!

Ghana is absolutely beautiful! We are getting ready to go into town. Pictures to come!

Maggie asked me to explain my first thoughts:
- The best way I can explain the smell..4th of July! It smells like a hot summer day with a hint of fireworks. The streets in Accra were lined with small hut-like markets. Music blasting in all directions. The dirt roads gave the air a constant haze.
- Everything is different. Every tree and plant is foreign to me.
- The food. I only had one meal so far. Breakfast was prepared for us this morning. We can only eat with our right hand. The food was very good and my stomach seems to agree.
- My volunteer leader was a national African dance champion! He is bringing me out to learn the "Azonto" dance tonight!

My journey was very long, but now I am settled and ready to explore!


  1. Ahhh!!! Hiiii :) so happy you're there safe and sound! I laughed when I read "fourth of July" because I know exactly what you mean!! Great descriptions so far, keep them coming! I want to be able to picture everything you're seeing and doing and so far I've been able to! Enjoy your dance lessons tn girly! You can teach me in 2 weeks.

    Love you sooo,
    Your better half ;) haha

  2. Soooooo.... How was the dancing?!?

  3. Amazing!!! I got recognized at the market yesterday. This guy started off with "Hey, I know you!" I thought it was just a line until he described my outfit from Saturday night and did some of my signature moves. Never. Dancing. Again. Just kidding, I am going to show off my moves again tonight!
